Thursday, September 22, 2011

Share your history!

Hi all! One of the things the history committee is working on during this term is finding and asking chapters to inventory items of historical significance. What is historical significance? That could be a ritual book that doesn’t say kappa psi on the cover, but is only a faded color, the signatures on a charter for a chapter, an item with kappa psi that has hung on the chapter house wall for as long as anybody can remember. These are just a few suggestions at what to look for. Everyone of our chapters has something unique they bring to Kappa Psi and the history committee wants to see it! That way we can share it with others so they too can marvel at the different ways our chapters celebrate industry, sobriety, fellowship and high ideals. Take pictures or video and send them to me at
I look forward to seeing some great things!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Share your successful Rush ideas!

I know that many of our Chapters rush in the Fall.  Do you have an event that is always a huge success?  How do you get to know the potential new members?  Share your ideas with other Chapters by writing about them in The Mask, on our Facebook Page, or in the comments on the blog.

Kali Weaver
Grand Regent 2011-2013

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Templates for Local Ordinances


I have received several inquiries from Chapters who wish to update their Local Ordinances regarding a standard template. I would like to inform you all, that the Legislative Committee is working hard on creating a template for the Uniform Collegiate Chapter, Uniform Graduate Chapter, and the Uniform Province By-Laws. These templates will assist Chapters in creating or updating their Local Ordinances in a simple word document or template. Their will be two versions. One version will be compatible with Microsoft Office 2007, and will be in a .dotx format to allow for simple drop-down menu form, that will streamline the creation of By-Laws. The other version will be compatible with other releases of Microsoft Office and Mac Pages. This version will be a fill in the blank type form. Both of these forms will have a set of instructions associated with them. The Legislative Committee is planning on releasing these templates by the end of the Fall Semester.


Mike Cournoyer
Grand Counselor
Chair, Legislative Committee

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Professional Fraternity Association Meeting

Several Brothers are attending the Professional Fraternity Association (PFA) meeting in San Mateo, California this week.  PFA was created in 1978 via a merger of the Professional Interfraternity Conference and the Professional Panhellenic Association and is comprised of roughly 30 professional fraternities and sororities.

As you know, our Brothers and Chapters have been honored by PFA in the past for their accomplishments. This year Brother Eric Gupta received Volunteer of the Year and Epsilon Gamma won the award for Outstanding Professional Program.  Kappa Psi is very proud of our Brothers and we look to continue our tradition of taking home awards at PFA in 2012!

While at the meeting, we have the opportunity to meet with representatives from major professional fraternities and sororities and gain insight to the challenges they are facing on campus.  We will also attend workshops on new technology, recruitment, and fundraising.  In the past we have worked hard to bring everything we learn while at PFA back to the Fraternity to make it better.

You can learn more about PFA at their website

Kali Weaver
Grand Regent 2011-2013