I have received several inquiries from Chapters who wish to update their Local Ordinances regarding a standard template. I would like to inform you all, that the Legislative Committee is working hard on creating a template for the Uniform Collegiate Chapter, Uniform Graduate Chapter, and the Uniform Province By-Laws. These templates will assist Chapters in creating or updating their Local Ordinances in a simple word document or template. Their will be two versions. One version will be compatible with Microsoft Office 2007, and will be in a .dotx format to allow for simple drop-down menu form, that will streamline the creation of By-Laws. The other version will be compatible with other releases of Microsoft Office and Mac Pages. This version will be a fill in the blank type form. Both of these forms will have a set of instructions associated with them. The Legislative Committee is planning on releasing these templates by the end of the Fall Semester.
Mike Cournoyer
Grand Counselor
Chair, Legislative Committee
This will be a great help. Thank you.